Energy Vastu & Aura Scanner Course Content

Number of Sessions – 12

Fees – Rs. 14,999/-

Course Contents

Part One – Dowsing & Scanner
Origin and Basics of Dowsing, Pendulum Dowser, L rods, Bobber
Introduction to Aura scanner
Detection and measurement of negative energies IR, UV, BY, PY
Tips to clear off negative energies
Yantras for removal of negative energies
Types Of Scanning Using Aura Scanner
Checking the Compatibility of a person with scanner
Scanner detection for Ideal business, Ideal job
Couple compatibility for marriage
Using scanner for distance energy scanning
Application of the scanner on photo

Part Two – Chakras & 5 Elements
Understanding of the Seven energy fields of our body
Energy detection of Chakras
Healing Remedies
Energy detection of five elements

Part Three – Astrology & Aura Scanner
Astrology & Aura Scanner
Gemstone Energy
Detecting planetary energies with the help of scanner

Part Four – Aura Scanner & Vastu
Scanner Working with 16 Directions in Vastu
Detection of Vastu energies from main gate with scanner
Finding of Brahmasthaan with scanner
Scanner detection for geopathic stress and its removal